High quality super clean XLPE insulating compound is used for insulating the cores on ‘Maillefer’ CCV line equipped with online x-ray analyser to maintain the desired thicknesses of insulation and semiconducting layer as per the relevant standards.
Shield consisting of a layer of bonded or strippable, extruded semi-conducting compound applied in tandem over the insulation.
Copper tape / copper wires is helically applied over the cores, of cross section suitable as per the standard or as per the system fault current requirement. Colour marking tape is applied longitudinally below the metallic sheath for core identification.
Separation sheath of ST-2 PVC along with polypropylene [PP] fillers, is provided.
The armour is given for the protection of cable against physical damage. Galvanised round steel wire or galvanised steel tapes are applied helically over bedding as armouring. However, single core cables are armored with Aluminium round wire or Aluminium tape.
The outer sheath shall be of extruded Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) type ST2 as per IEC 60502-2, Type 9 as per BS 7655 or LSF/LSZH Type LTS1 / ST 8.
Polyethylene outer sheath is used in case the cable requires higher impregnability to moisture. Outer sheath is of generally black/ red colour or as per project requirement.
Outer sheath shall be marked / embossed with Manufacturer name, no of cores, size, Voltage ratings, and year of manufacture, sequential length marking and any other desired marking for better identification at site
Cables with special flame retardant PVC compounds meeting flame test requirements of IEC 60332-3-22, IEC 60332-3-23 or IEC 60332-3-24 are manufactured
as per project requirement.
The cables are supplied on drums manufactured from high quality pine wood or steel. The pine wooden drums are properly seasoned and treated, with minimum painting to make them more eco-friendly. The cable ends are sealed with heat shrinkable end caps, marked with our logo, to avoid any possibility of ingress of water or dirt during transportation and storage as well as any pilferage of the cable.
Each drum is clearly marked with our name and logo, type, size, length, net and gross weight and sequential length marking details. An arrow and suitable instruction is marked on the drum indicating the direction, the drum should be rolled while laying the cable.
Note: Please follow manufacturer datasheets and guidelines for cable usage and installation.
Pyrotenax MICC Construction
With a basic inorganic construction of a copper sheath and conductors, together with a mineral insulant, the cable provides a unique combination of dependability, versatility and permanence. This construction, with the melting points of 1083°C and 2800°C for the copper and the insulant respectively, provides the unsurpassed Fire Survival properties which enable the cable to continue to carry current at temperatures in excess of 1000°C.
Pyrotenax MICC Construction Characteristics/Advantages:
• Fireproof
• High Operating Temperatures
• Inherent Flameproof Barrier
• Zero Energy
• Non-Ageing
• Great Mechanical Strength
• Small Overall Diameter (MI cables by Pyrotenax have smaller diameters than other types of cables with equivalent current ratings. No deep chasing in walls. A thin layer of plaster can accommodate the cable. Can be run inconspicuously on the surface, on cable tray, in roof space or suspended ceiling.
• Pliable
• Wiring Cable and Conduit Combined
• Competitive Installed Cost
• High Degree of Electrical Screening
• Radiation Resistant
• Integral Earth Continuity
• High Corrosion Resistance
• Waterproof
Pyrotenax MICC Applications :
Typically used in all critical circuits, fire protection circuits, fire pumps, control circuits, alarm circuits, Public Address Systems, essential power supply circuits, Data/communication circuits we have listed below a few examples of areas that use Pyro MI cable systems-
Airports present unique safety challenges as aviation fuel is pumped from storage facilities to planes in close proximity to high volumes of passengers and personnel. Safety systems take priority in the design of airports, as real-life airport fires have all-too-vividly demonstrated the severity of panic and confusion that can be created by smoke and loss of power. Accordingly, the circuits feeding fire pumps, emergency equipment and fire alarm system notification circuits are all-important and must maintain integrity throughout a fire. The Pyro MI range of MICC cable system offers the right solution to such a demanding environment.
Emergency evacuation of health care facilities and other institutional buildings is no easy task. Special care must be taken when the mobility of occupants is restricted. Accordingly, building codes require that fire protection and fire alarm systems are constructed with certain precautions in mind and that they meet certain, stringent safety standards. In this area, Pyrotenax mineral insulated cable sets the standard…”Zero smoke, Zero flame and Zero fuel contributed!“
The time to evacuate a high-rise building is largely indeterminate due to slow response by occupants and panic and confusion created by smoke and loss of power. Directed/phased evacuation is being implemented increasingly by Fire Departments in higher occupancy buildings, where the evacuation is controlled and coordinated with firefighting efforts so as to prevent people from entering high risk areas. For this reason, it is more important than ever before that the emergency circuits and fire alarm system notification circuits maintain integrity throughout the fire. Pyrotenax MICC offers a complete range of fire-rated cable to meet these requirements.
Protection from fire is a prime concern in historic or “heritage” buildings, yet modernization and upgrading of facilities often does not allow for extensive building alteration. Pyrotenax offers unique, easy-to-implement solutions when it comes to these special types of buildings.
Both the military and the scientific communities have unique wiring needs. The military often requires cable that can be hermetically sealed off, is radiation resistant, and is equipped with explosion-proof fittings. Scientific applications include the need for cables which can carry large amounts of current and can withstand high temperatures. Pyrotenax MICC cable system is particularly suited for these specific types of applications.
The presence of gases or fumes in hazardous environments requires a system to block the passage of explosive vapors. For example, the compressed MgO insulation in Pyrotenax ® wiring cables stops the passage of helium gas at 2000 psi.
The ravages of small fires can rapidly escalate into catastrophic proportions when a refinery shutdown system does not function properly.
Continuous high temperature environments accelerate the aging characteristics of conventional wiring systems over time resulting in brittle insulation and premature failure.
The presence of corrosive environments during routine operation or in an upset condition requires additional measures of equipment protection.
The possibility of accidents and fire in subways and tunnels is very real, and a constant threat. Codes spell out minimum requirements, are not always stringent, and generally improve only after tragedies occur. Good engineering practice in these high risk environments demands that the highest level of safety practices be applied.
No cable can match the cable characteristics that make Mineral Insulated cable ideal for use in tunnels and subways. Low profile 2-hour fire rated Pyrotenax® cable is used in tunnels around the world, and has proven itself as the true survivor under actual fire conditions.
“Zero smoke, Zero flame spread, Zero fuel contributed!”
Pyrotenax MI cable systems were installed when fire broke out in the Channel Tunnel in 1996. Enduring temperatures that destroyed the concrete, Pyrotenax MI allowed emergency lighting to operate throughout, for the safe evacuation of passengers, proving itself to be the true fire survival cable.
The National Fire Alarm Code stipulates that in Voice Evacuation Fire Alarm systems, the wiring for the notification circuits shall be 2-hour fire rated. Fire Alarm wiring designed to meet the survivability requirement for notification circuits is required.
When normal power is disrupted in a fire, the chances of safe egress or firefighting in the dark go down dramatically. Emergency lighting provides the back-up for the normal lighting.
The space savings achievable using MI versus conduit and wire are huge – up to 80% space saving. In addition, the ease with which they can be pulled into difficult runs with tight corners gives them an overwhelming advantage.
Emergency generators are brought into play when regular power fails, and are the backbone of the systems that provide time for a safe evacuation of occupants, and power to operate the life safety and fire fighting systems.
Perhaps the most important fire fighting piece of equipment, the fire pump ensures water pressure for the sprinkler system. Mechanically tough, fire-rated wiring is needed for this critical circuit.
For stairwells and other areas of safe refuge, pressurization fans and smoke dampers provide a positive pressure to maintain a smoke free area of safe refuge with clean air for breathing, and visibility for egress.
17). LOW EMI
Electromagnetic fields from high electrical currents in equipment, bus-duct or feeders can cause interference in PC screens and sensitive electronic equipment located adjacent to the source of the EMI. The Copper sheath provides an excellent electrostatic screen and maximizes electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), enabling the cable to be installed with minimum separation from other cables.
Good reasons to use Pyro Mi fire survival cable technology:
Save Labour & Material costs:
• Cable is a fire barrier – just concrete into position
• Minimise fixings (up to 40% less)
• Save days in plant rooms with Pyro ‘Cytolok’ lugs
• No strain relief measures
• Less space & weight = Carrier system reduction
• Screened cables = segregation
• Smaller bending radii
Meets globally recognized Fire Performance Standards
European Standards :
• BSEN60702-1 Manufacturing standard of cable
• BSEN60702-2 approved and tested terminations
• BS5839-1 (Clause 26.2) enhanced cables rating
• BSEN50200 Class PH120
• BS6387 categories (C, W, and Z.)
• BS8434-2
• IEC60331 Tests for electric cables under fire conditions
Tested to BS7346-6:2005. Witnessed and certificated by Lloyds Register. The highest category Fire Fighting 120 minutes was attained.
London Underground Limited (LUL) approved and fully compliant with (MICC) EME-SP-14-028-A2.
• UL2196 USA Standard
• ULC-S139 Canadian Standard
• Atex Hazardous Area Approved (Including increased safety range of components.)
Fire Survival
• Fireproof
• Inherent flameproof barrier
• Zero energy
• High operating temperatures
Smart Cable
• High corrosion resistance
• High degree of electrical screening
• Waterproof
• Non-ageing
• Earth continuity
Easy to Install
• Small overall diameter
• Wiring cable & conduit combined
• Great mechanical strength
• Pliable/easily manageable
• Competitive installed costs
All relevant standards followed by Pyrotenax MICC cables are in compliance with:
1. Manufacture:
a. Cables : Pyrotenax MI Wiring Cables are manufactured, tested in accordance with, and LPCB approved to, BS EN 60702-1.
b. Terminations: Pyrotenax Terminations are tested in accordance with BS EN 60702: Part 2. Pyrotenax Terminations are Certified for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. Glands – Baseefa08ATEX0327X and IECEx BAS 08.0107X Increased Safety Seals – Baseefa02ATEX0194U
1) Tests:
BS 8434: Part 1Methods of test for assessment of the fire integrity of electric cables Part1: Test for unprotected small cables for use in emergency circuits – BS EN 50200 with the addition of water spray. Part 2: Test for unprotected small cables for use in emergency circuits – BS EN 50200 with a 930°C flame and with water spray.
BS 7346-6: Components for smoke and heat control systems.
BS 6387- 1994 Performance Requirements for Cables Required to Maintain Circuit Integrity under Fire Conditions. Our MICC does not just pass these fire tests, it survives them and is suitable for continued operation afterwards.
IEC 60331- Tests for Electric Cables under fire conditions.
2) Codes and Standards:
BS 7671- Requirements for Electrical Installations (IEE Wiring Regulations).
BS 5588- Fire Precautions in the design, construction and use of build¬ings.
BS 5266- Emergency Lighting.
BS 60079- Code of Practice for the selection, installation and main¬tenance of electrical apparatus for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres.
BS 5454- Storage and exhibition of Archival Documents.
BS 5839-2002- Fire detection and alarm systems in Buildings.
It is worth noting that different wiring applications call for different levels of fire performance. The fire performance characteristics or a cable are tested against a variety of standards including measurement of flame propagation, smoke and gas emissions amongst others.
For fire performance cables, under fire conditions, there are two main classifications:
Fire Survival and Fire Resistant.
• Fire Survival demonstrates exceptional capabilities for prolonged functionality for circuit and data integrity in extreme fire conditions. The fire survival cable systems are constructed of inorganic materials which do not burn, emit smoke or gas and which survive the harshest fire conditions. These systems are designed for life-critical and fire management systems where life safety is dependent on cable/system functionality for prolonged periods.
• Fire Resistant demonstrates resistance to fire and maintain circuit integrity for an approved period of time. They are constructed from organic materials and burn when subjected to fire conditions.
Mineral insulated cables are widely accepted as the only true Fire Survival cable technology.
For fire alarm systems, there are two clear classifications as part of the British Standard BS5839-1:2002; Standard and Enhanced grades.
Under test conditions:
• Standard Grade cables need to remain functional for 30 minutes when subjected to 830°C.
• Enhanced Grade cables need to remain functional for 120 minutes when subjected to 930°C.
The single cables sample is also subject to a water source and indirect mechanical shock as part of the test regime.
The Pyro MI portfolio of products meet and exceed these test regimes as it is the only cable that uses the same cable sample to undergo all three tests of C, W and Z of BS6387 unlike other polymeric cables that use different samples to pass each test.
Note: Please follow manufacturer datasheets and guidelines for cable usage and installation.